6 thoughts on “Comments Don’t Disappear”

  1. Atanu, this is slightly out of topic.Out of time also. May be am too late to arrive at ur blog. I found it just today.I like it. I saw your writing about some religions. Well, why I use ‘some’ word when typing on ur blog? I saw your writings about Islam. Well only question i wanna ask… Do u live in India? If so, I wonder how you could you ‘live'(I mean, breathing, being alive) till now after all that writings? This question might sound stupid, might show my inner fears(like u had written somewhere, it may just show my misunderstanding of My own Indian society..let it mean whatever), might show my hypocrisy..whatever analysis blah blah…..dont forget to answer my question, even if it hurts me(I know you dont mind my hurting:) )


    1. Chakram wrote,

      I saw your writings about Islam. Well only question i wanna ask… Do u live in India? If so, I wonder how you could you ‘live’(I mean, breathing, being alive) till now after all that writings?

      I live part time in the US and part time in India. Used to be the larger part was in India but since June, I have decided to spend reverse that, and so now I live mostly in California and occasionally visit India.

      Criticizing Islam is not a safe thing to do. I am aware of the danger.


    1. Sid,

      Sorry, I don’t have the smarts to fix the way WordPress does this bit. I use a spam control system called “Akismet” which holds some comments for moderation based on their algorithms. If a comment is too long or has too many links, it just throws it in the “Spam” list and there it sits until I wake up and haul it out from there.

      WordPress also holds first time comments in moderation. If the email address entered is recognized as a previously approved one, then it does not hold the comment in moderation.

      See this previous post on this topic of comment moderation.

      Let me see if I can have someone at the office in Mumbai tweak the system a bit. Thanks.


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