The New Education Landscape

The future of education is going to be one of the most exciting things going on in the world. I see a revolutionary change occurring because of two specific reasons. First, the increasingly complex nature of our world. Change is accelerating and therefore to prepare people for that dynamic world, people need skills that were not needed previously. These skills cannot be imparted once and for all in the formal years of schooling. Therefore, what education has to do is to prepare people to be life-long learners. The schools have to be a place where a child learns not specific topics or subjects but learns how to learn any subject. The job is then to teach how to learn.
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Chidambaram Speaks the Truth

The Finance Minister of India, Mr Chidambaram speaks the truth, or at least that is what a certain communal newspaper reports. He was speaking at a TiE event in New Delhi. He said, “This country will hold together only if we give everyone in India a stake in the future of India … We cannot build an inclusive society, unless every institution of governance consciously sheds its biases and prejudices that work for every section of the people.”
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