Narendra Modi for PM — NOW!

The more I hear of what Narendrabhai is doing in Gujarat, the more I believe that India needs him as the PM. The man has a backbone unlike the spineless bozo who shall remain unnamed here. The man has a brain. And the man knows what is economic development means and how to make it happen. The spineless bozo will not know development even if development came up and bit him on his behind.

If India cannot have Lee Kuan Yew, it is not a problem because India has Narendra Modi. That is not quite true — Gujarat has Modi, not India.

Here’s a piece on Modi. Go read it and admire the man. (Link thanks to Prashant Kothari.)

Author: Atanu Dey


15 thoughts on “Narendra Modi for PM — NOW!”

  1. I second it!

    The more I read, the more I end up comparing him, not with the nincompoops in other parties, but with Advani. Alas, this is one aspect where BJP’s internal hierarchy(..something that I’ve appreciated for long..) works against Modi’s promotion, considering that he’s still in what would be called “second line of leadership”.


  2. i would still like to stay away from appreciating Modi for what he is doing to his state, because the wrongly wired (read evil) mind which can think of cleaning up a society by getting rid or harassing a certain community.

    Hitler, too had big plans for Berlin and Germany’s progress.


  3. _harassing a certain community_

    good example of brain washed mind set. The Gujarati Muslim is happiest and most prosperous of all Muslims. Check it out yourself.

    Even that tailor dude who’s fake picture was put on TOI and who became poster boy of Godhar riots and who was paraded by entire Commie govt of West Bengal came back to Gujarat in just 2 years. Even he couldn’t take the “progressive” commie crap.
    Muslims need jobs, progress and wealth like any other.

    NDTV,IBN and TOI can only lecture them on secularism but cannot provide roti,kapda and Makan.


  4. I agree that we need Narendra Modi and his ilk in our national politics and not the kind that are currently running the country and some states.

    Just look at the three evils of Yadav, Nitish and Paswan coming together when a Patna youngster who had shot a passenger and was shouting that he will shoot others, got shot by the police. Instead of asking why youngsters want to leave Bihar and go to Mumbai, in other words accept that the leadership had ruined that state beyond repair, they want to stop trains running to Maharashtra!


  5. If BJP/NDA does get a majority, I predict Modi will the home minister. He could become a PM later on, but our p-sec intellectuals will not allow it – every garbage from Gujarat riots to visa issues will thrown at BJP and its allies to stop Modi.


  6. @rummuser:

    Let us ask this question a little differently.

    If Bihari labor can do the same work cheaper, what is wrong if they replace marathi manoos? After all, isn’t it how capitalism is supposed to work? Inefficient resources are replaced by more efficient resources. If ‘sons of the soil’ cannot compete with ‘outsiders’ in a free competition, then what rights they have to complain?

    This attitude is most ironical in expatriate Maharshtrians who while disagreeing with violence quickly add that jobs should be protected for the ‘sons of the soil’. I hope their host countries don’t take their advice too seriously.

    Why is it wrong if US wants to adopt protectionist policies and restrict outsourcing to India but perfectly alright if Maharashtra politician wants protectionist policies within the country? In fact this comparson is not even fair. US is another country and is much more within rights to protect its workers from the competition brought by market. But what is so sacrosanct about marathi manoos that he needs to be protected from competition even from his fellow countrymen?


  7. @garib_ram,

    I am not sure, how this topic came on this post, but nevertheless.
    I am a Marathi Manus and I am against what you call ‘protectionism” too. But you are comparing Apples and Oranges here.

    Last elections Mumbai city sent just ONE marathi MP to Lok Sabha of the 7/8 seats it has.

    It’s not about Bihar/UP folks taking over jobs only. It’s about changing demographics. Marathi manoos is being squeezed out from Mumbai’s DNA now.
    If it was simple assimilation of one stream of community mixing with larger Bombay culture it would have been a different story. But looks like Mumbai is “being taken over”.
    When a Govinda can beat a Ram Naik, something is incredibly wrong.

    Assume a hypothetical scenario where 5 crore Marathis enter USA and starting throwing their weight around? I know 5 crore is an outrageous figure, but thats how this example can be explained. By next decade, UP/Bihar population would have overtaken Marathi population in Bombay… get the drift?


  8. “It’s not about Bihar/UP folks taking over jobs only. It’s about changing demographics. Marathi manoos is being squeezed out from Mumbai’s DNA now.”

    OK. What’s wrong even with changing demographics? Why do you think that marathi manoos is indispensable for Mumbai’s DNA? Why do we want certain cities to have certain specific demographics only and nothing different?

    “By next decade, UP/Bihar population would have overtaken Marathi population in Bombay… get the drift?”

    Yes. I get the drift but I don’t see anything wrong in that. As long as UP/Bihari-s are not using any illegal means to ‘squeeze out’ Marathi manoos, they are perfectly within rights; just as Marathi manoos are also within rights to ‘squeeze out’ others who are less efficient in terms of their labor cost. That is exactly how most efficient resources flow toward most desirable places.


  9. @garib_ram : I would have agreed with you in toto if it was only about Biharis taking over Marathi jobs.
    Honestly you and I know it’s much more than that.

    _OK. What’s wrong even with changing demographics? _

    Technically nothing – except check Assam, Kashmir. This “change” is usually associated with violence from the “natives”. If you are OK with that then, sure.


  10. Assuming BJP wins next parliament elections, Narendra Modi is likely to become Home minister in 12-18 months and Deputy PM in 24 – 36 months.

    Advani is already betting on him in a big way, rightly so.

    I wish my prediction comes true.



  11. The main issue of politicizing the outsider, insider issue has not been covered. Mumbai has a sizable Tamil population. Should Mumbai’s walls be plastered with DMK posters asking Mumbai’s Tamils to vote for DMK for a Parliamentary seat?


  12. “The main issue of politicizing the outsider, insider issue has not been covered. Mumbai has a sizable Tamil population. Should Mumbai’s walls be plastered with DMK posters asking Mumbai’s Tamils to vote for DMK for a Parliamentary seat?”

    Why not?

    Which law says that DMK posters should not be put up in Mumbai or why Tamils living in Mumbai cannot vote for a DMK candidate? Is there a bar for a candidate to be from a particular part of India to contest elections from somewhere? Should there be?

    I think ISI is missing a golden opportunity here. Instead of spending their billions on HUJI and Indian Mujahideen, they should send the fraction of the money to MNS. They can divide India much better.


  13. @rummuser:

    If you visit places like Ontario, Vancouver or Edison, where Indian population is quite large, you may even find candidates from Indian origin contesting elections and asking PIOs to vote for them. Last I checked these places are not even in India.

    Should Canada and US ban such contests? They would, if their intellectual caliber were equal to MNS. However, commitment to values like liberty and equality does not come cheap. If Indians have decided to turn India into a shit hole, rest assured it will.


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