Demented 80-year Olds

Among the major modern threats that humanity faces is arguably the one related to climate. It’s not global warming or even the nebulous climate change; it’s the hysteria that is being deliberately induced by the myopic, greedy, power-hungry politicians and their cronies.

Not climate change but rather the climate hysteria is dangerous and can even lead to global unrest that could be disastrous to the poor and the vulnerable around the world.

This is not a happy situation. It’s created by a combination of factors: the power-hungry elite preying on the credulity and ignorance of the masses. We’ve seen this play out recently. The Covid-19 pandemic was deadly and killed millions. But the policy response by the power-hungry elites –political leaders; agencies like the CDC, WHO; and the supremely greedy like Bill Gates and big  pharma — killed a lot more.

Global warming is a fact. The world has warmed over the last hundred years, and it will continue to warm. But it will not be the end of the world. Climate change is a fact. The climate has always changed and will always change. Humans innovate, and adapt to change. The same thing that gives humans the ability to affect the environment also gives humans the ability to solve environmental problems.

Just like the “cure” for the recent pandemic was worse than the disease, I am afraid that the “cure” for global warming is going to be disastrous. It’s time to be very afraid because we are likely being led to a catastrophe by demented 80-year olds. Here’s Tucker Carlson and Michael Shellenberger, author of Apocalypse Never, in conversation:

You could read Shellenberger’s piece, “Why John Kerry Would Force Poor People To Burn Wood And Dung” on substack.

And for those who are interested in being better informed about the reality of climate change, I recommend Steven Koonin in a Soho Forum Debate. I recommend watching the video starting around 18:00 time stamp.

Author: Atanu Dey


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