Rebirth of Liberty

A conference cosponsored by the Cato Institute and Libertad y Progreso titled “The Rebirth of Liberty in Argentina and Beyond” concluded a few hours ago in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The last two events on Wednesday evening were streamed live on X: a conversation between Johan Norberg and Elon Musk, followed by concluding remarks by Javier Milei.

Norberg and Musk conversed for nearly half an hour, in English of course. After that Milei spoke in his native Spanish. Perhaps a dubbed version of his remarks will be available later.

The chemistry between Norberg and Musk is great. Both are classical liberals. They value freedom and individuality, and the resulting human progress.

I found nothing that I could disagree with Musk on. To me it was all common sense. But it is still gratifying to see an immensely powerful person make the instrumental case for freedom — that it leads to human flourishing.

Give Musk a listen. Norberg and Musk start around the 14 minute time stamp.

Author: Atanu Dey


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